156-158 Weedington Road, London NW5 4NU
We kindly request you to consider making a quick and convenient online donation.
0207 267 0906 info@ktbam.co.uk
Tuesday • 15 October 2024
• 12 Rabi-Al-Thani 1446
Begins05:5007:22 12:5104:1506:0907:32
Jama'ah 06:3001:3004:4506:1408:00
Full Year Timetable

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Kentish Town is within the borough of Camden and home to a large population of Muslims. By the permission of Allah, the Kentish Town Baitul Aman Masjid’s (KTBAM) inception in 1998 stemmed from a group of brothers from the local community collaboratively renting a shop. After obtaining permission to pray there five times a day, the shop was renovated into a masjid. Successively, after 8 years, a second neighbouring shop was purchased on a lease, and combining the two shops into one space has resulted in the masjid that we have today. Progressively, major refurbishment works have been carried out on the masjid, including fire exits, brand new wudhu khana/ablution area, new carpets, shutters, doors and a complete renovation of the house of Allah.

We need your help to complete the Mosque's new project. Please consider making a quick donation online.

£1,00,000 £4,00,000

Daily Prayers

KTBAM is Kentish Town’s local masjid. It caters for the five daily prayers throughout the day, although remains closed outside of prayer times during summer time. The masjid currently accommodates approximately 250-300 people, a fifth of whom attend the regular congregational prayers. However, the current facility is unable to accommodate the entire community; as such, it urgently requires redevelopment.

Weekly Friday Jumua'h

Since the formation of KTBAM, Friday Jumua’h prayer has been regularly established – attracting a diverse range of regular attendees. A cumulative congregation of 600-700 individuals is catered for by the masjid, despite the shortage of space. Attendees, including the elderly and children, perform Salatul Jumua’h in the courtyard during both the blustery autumn and bitterly cold winter periods. An extension to the masjid is crucial to the provision of adequate space for an increasing number of Muslims in Kentish Town.

Weekly Tafseer Ul Quran

Join us every Friday on our weekly Tafseer ul Quran. Time: Summer time after Asr prayer, Winter time after Magrib prayer. Speaker: Sheikh Maulana Habibur Rahamn Full english tafseer

Funeral Savings Plan

Many members of the community, particularly the elderly, worry about saving for their own funeral and burial costs, either because they do not have any close family to take care of arrangements or because they do not want there to be a burden on their family in meeting these expenses.
Kentish Town Mosque are therefore offering a Savings Plan, to allow anyone concerned to save for these costs. The Plan operates as follows:

Weekend Islamic Studies

Al Qura'n, Al Hadith, Tajweed, Figh, Adab, Tareekh, Dua, Arabic language, Mother language.

Weekdays Islamic Studies

Al Qura'n, Al Hadith, Tajweed, Figh, Adab, Tareekh, Dua, Arabic language, Mother language.

Alimyyah For Girls

Aqeedah (Islamic creed), Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Arabic Language (Speaking & Writing) ...

Hifzul Quran

Al Qura'n, Al Hadith, Tajweed, Figh, Adab, Tareekh, Dua, Arabic language, Mother language.

Find Us

Yes, the mosque is open everyday during the five prayer times.

Office hour is from 10 am to 5pm during the weekdays only.

We have two Jummah prayer and it is during 1 to 2 pm. Please see the home page.