156-158 Weedington Road, London NW5 4NU
We kindly request you to consider making a quick and convenient online donation.
0207 267 0906 info@ktbam.co.uk
Saturday • 27 July 2024
• 21 Muharram 1446
Begins03:3005:15 01:1206:2808:5910:03
Jama'ah 04:0001:3006:4509:0410:30
Full Year Timetable

This Plan is appropriate for saving for funeral and burial costs in the London area, where Kentish Town Mosque have burial sites.

Any monies saved under the Plan and not utilised, for example when death takes place elsewhere or the person no longer wishes to continue with the Plan, will be refunded to the plan holder / beneficiary stated in the plan, on request.

For more information please contact us on:

154-158 Weedington Rd

London NW5 4NU



07971 140 979

07983 359 936

07534 969 388

0207 267 0906

Download Funeral Savings Plan Form